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Vol 14, No 12 (2018) International Journal of Online and Biomedical Engineering (iJOE)

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International Journal of Online and Biomedical Engineering (iJOE)

The objective of the journal is to publish and discuss fundamentals, applications and experiences in the field of remote engineering, cyber-physical systems, virtual instrumentation and online simulations. The use of virtual and remote controlled devices and remote laboratories is one of the future trend developments for advanced teleworking/e-working environments.
Online Engineering is the future trend in engineering and science. It covers working directions such as remote engineering, cyber-physical systems, virtual instrumentation, simulation techniques and others.
iJOE is an Open Access Journal. Readers don't have to pay any fee.

Vol 14, No 12 (2018)

Table of Contents


Sara Riahi, Azzeddine Riahi
pp. 4-25
Muhammad Asraf H., Nur Dalila K.A., Zakiah M.Y., Amar Faiz Z.A., Nooritawati M.T.
pp. 26-42
Jinyong Huang, Zhe Li
pp. 43-56
Hui Huang, Zhe Li
pp. 57-71
Li Zhu, Jianwu Li
pp. 72-83
Yassine El Khayyam, Brahim Herrou
pp. 84-96
Tanweer Alam, Mohamed Benaida
pp. 97-111
Gonca Altuger-Genc, Yue Han, Yegin Genc
pp. 112-125
Oscar Fernando Aviles Sánchez, Mauricio Felipe Mauledoux Monroy, Oscar Gerardo Ribiano, Angie Julieth Valencia
pp. 126-136
Jianhua Xu, Hao Gu, Hongtao Liang
pp. 137-149
Zhongdong Hu, Zhendong Wang, Junling Wang, Ting Zeng
pp. 150-163
Silvia Bravo, David Mauricio
pp. 164-178
Jingtan Li, Maolin Xu, Hongling Xiu
pp. 179-190

Short Papers

Zhai Haizhou
pp. 191-201

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 Fuente: [iJOE]

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